Event box

Tuesday, February 8, 2022
4:30pm - 6:30pm

This event audience is intended for departments in the Social Sciences Division.

Register: https://ucla.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMkcuqspzwqHNKOM6O0DFHJ1d5O0q1oPWe3

  • Attended Introduction to R last week or have a basic knowledge of R, its syntax, and familiarity with data structures & objects in R. 

Data Carpentry’s aim is to teach researchers basic concepts, skills, and tools for working with data so that they can get more done in less time, and with less pain. The lessons below were designed for those interested in working with social sciences data in R.

This is an introduction to R designed for participants with no programming experience. This workshop will teach you how to create plots in R. 

Data Carpentry’s teaching is hands-on, so participants are encouraged to use their own computers to ensure the proper set up of tools for an efficient workflow.

These lessons assume no prior knowledge of the skills or tools.

To get started, follow the directions in the “Setup” tab to download data to your computer and follow any installation instructions.


This lesson requires a working copy of R and RStudio.

To most effectively use these materials, please make sure to install everything before working through this lesson.

Basic familiarity with R & RStudio is a requirement for this workshop. 

This event audience is intended for departments in the Social Sciences. Registrations will be opened in Jan. 2022. 


Event Organizer

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Data Science Center