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Space Availability - Science and Engineering Library

The Science & Engineering Library (SEL) offers group study spaces for UCLA students, staff, and faculty in minimum groups of two. SEL/Boelter offers one group study room, while SEL/Geology has two.

  • SEL/Boelter Room 8251A has a table and chairs for eight, a white board, and electrical outlets
  • SEL/Geology Room 4697A has a table and chairs for eight, a whiteboard, natural lighting, and electrical outlets
  • SEL/Geology Room 4697B has a table and chairs for four, a whiteboards, and electrical outlets.


SEL Group Study Room Policies

A user with a valid BruinCard for Library services (current undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff): 

  1. can make a reservation with their email address
  2. can reserve a study room up to 2 hours at a time.
  3. can reserve a study room up to 7 days in advance
  4. must have 2 hours between bookings
  5. must have a minimum group size of two people
  6. must not leave the room unoccupied for more than 15 minutes, otherwise the room will be cleared and the reservation canceled

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